Con la bocca piena di terra

Con la bocca piena di terra

Book in Italian – Traveler of the glories and human misery, the author brings us to explore the darkest parts of the heart, that most irrational  in its inhuman rationality.

Empathetic, exciting  yet never superfluous, Priscilla describes a happening where there is no room for cheap emotions, where nothing seems constructed because all seems to have happened to her and then given to the main character of the novel, Margherita, who is a seemingly fragile and beaten woman  who affronts her own demons with outcomes that are not expected.



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Can one remain surprised by an author known for years? If we speak of Priscilla Murli, the answer is undoubtedly YES!

For another time with her dry, refined style she has hit the target.

Traveler of the glories and human misery, the author brings us to explore the darkest parts of the heart, that most irrational in its inhuman rationality. Empathetic, exciting yet never superfluous, Priscilla  describes a happening where there is no room for cheap emotions, where nothing seems constructed because all seems to have happened to her and then given to the main character of the novel, Margherita, who is a seemingly fragile and beaten woman who affronts her own demons with outcomes that are not expected.

Reading the work one has the feeling of reliving almost surreal atmospheres worth of Margherita by Bulgajov (maybe the main character was unconsciously inspired by this work); the setting that often shows clear skies and a reassuring nature enters into strong contrast with the obscure landscapes of the soul that mix perfectly together with the nauseous stink of the many different flowers mixed together.

Then there is silence! A deafening silence, a hated silence, a silence that is overwhelming, and a child of solitude that marks our era made of quick communications, of feelings written in an electronic posting board, of cheap sentiments imbibed with goodness that gives us only the illusion of being better. The impossibility to communicate our feelings, the fatigue in expressing ourselves and accepting ourselves is at the base of these splendid pages that Priscilla has given to us. 

At this point the only thing left is to wish you all Happy Reading

Gianpaolo Serone
