Civita e Bagnoregio. Guida completa

Civita e Bagnoregio. Guida completa

Book in Italian – “The story of the dying town-a town attached to life in the middle of silent and splendid calanchi and behind it the chain of blue Umbrian mountains” (Bonaventura Tecchi, Antica Terra)

This book is a historic, artistic and archeological guide to the territory of Bagnoregio and its splendid Civita.

ISBN: 9788899822958


Bagnoregio and Civita are located in the valley of the Calanchi. They have become lately among the most well known of Italy’s towns. Naturally this has had  effects on increasing tourism.

The city where St. Bonaventure, doctor of the church and General of the Franciscans, was only partially ready for this great touristic interest.

With this guide to the territory of Bagnoregio and its splendid Civita, we hope to fill in some of the gaps.


The book is complete with all one needs to know to fully appreciate the territory:

  • Map of Civita;

  • Historic information on the area;

  • Proposed itineraries for visiting the center of Bagnoregio and Civita;

  • In-depth information on the bridge that connects the two parts of the town.

Enriched with beautiful images on the cover and inside.

“The story of the dying town-a town attached to life in the middle of silent and splendid calanchi and behind it the chain of blue Umbrian mountains” (Bonaventura Tecchi, Antica Terra)