Alla fine di un viaggio

Alla fine di un viaggio

Book in Italian –  There are many types of voyages and this is one not of streets and paths, it does not look out over faraway landscapes, mountains or unexplored oceans, it has no borders or measures. This is a voyage that looks within, exploring the impervious horizons of the soul to an intimate and personal dimension, a incredible land near but not for this reason unknown. On this scene we have happenings and characters but above all emotions and atmosphere that come along with a vigor and suggestive charge that overwhelms the reader, there are events and dramatically earthy characters  touched with something more.

ISBN: 978-88-96889-81-7


There are many types of voyages and this is one not of streets and paths, it does not look out over faraway landscapes, mountains or unexplored oceans, it has no borders or measures. This is a voyage that looks within, exploring the impervious horizons of the soul to an intimate and personal dimension, a incredible land near but not for this reason unknown. On this scene we have happenings and characters but above all emotions and atmosphere that come along with a vigor and suggestive charge that overwhelms the reader, there are events and dramatically earthy characters  touched with something more.

Using clever writing  the pages penetrate conquer and overcome, possessing and counting off the different  states of the soul of those who are reading. With vividness and the intensity of a dream the style of Priscilla Murli transports and envelopes with a story that brings toward the most ancestral and fearful of encounters, the reflection of one’s self. And just like a dream it is only at the end that everything takes on different looks: uncomfortable questions up to know silenced, grow with their echo, suspended sensations clamber for their significance, hidden traces in ourselves  reveal and unsought of truths arrive to the surface like immerging lands, some of them unspeakable and with sour tastes yet infinitely precious for the simple fact that it is profoundly ours.

This novel has the will and the value of being exquisitely human, authentic as man with all his shadows and bright spots, his certainties and his abysses. A story that is concrete and disenchanted but with surreal tinges, to conquer a completeness of which each of us is called.  Good Travels. (Preface by Dr. Fulvio Bernini, psychologist)

By the same author the novels “Con la bocca piena di terra”, “Diario di donne” and poetry collections Un’anima qualunque” and “Sussurrare alle onde